Big Indonesia Trip – Part 2

We began the journey to East Java by train. My idea was to go to Malang, join a travel agency, sit back, relax, and then, poof, we'd be in Bromo and Kawah Ijen—perhaps even Baluran National Park and some waterfalls. However, I forgot that T is that crazy adventurous guy. He's the guy who travelled… Continue reading Big Indonesia Trip – Part 2

Big Indonesia Trip-(Probably Part-1)

Well, first, I would like to write a lot about this trip, but what can I say, all I have been writing lately were cover letters. Lol. I was even going to make a serious magazine! But ugh, it has been difficult to write lately. Sneak peak to my magazine: haha I went back to… Continue reading Big Indonesia Trip-(Probably Part-1)

Porto: You Stole My Heart!

We went to Porto as my Christmas gift. Previously, last year, I had wanted to join T on his trip to Lisbon to meet his friends, but it was impossible at that time. Then, he had promised to take me to Portugal one day. Since he doesn’t like to give me fancy goods, the gifts… Continue reading Porto: You Stole My Heart!

New Year’s Trip to Oslo

I know, I know, New Year is such an expired topic. However, I still need to write about it because it's about travelling. Without further due, my 18th country: Norway! Oslo is probably not the best place to enjoy Norway. We should have gone north, but our impulsive trip to Norway happened without proper planning,… Continue reading New Year’s Trip to Oslo

Too Good To Go

Early in my au pair year in Denmark, a friend introduced me to the Too Good To Go app. She said, "If you want to eat cheaper sushi, cake, or pastries, you should try this app." If you don't know, Too Good To Go is an app that offers unsold food from restaurants or shops… Continue reading Too Good To Go


A couple of weeks ago, my Instagram recommendation showed me a post about an Indonesian woman and her partner. Intrigued by the caption and such, I decided to stalk her account. She is a woman in her early 30, recently married to a bule. What shocked me is that her constant promotion to being a… Continue reading Housewife

Sailing to Samsø

Last year I supposed to sail with T, his dad and his dad’s friend. It was cancel. Luckily, we could go this year. I had never been sailing before. My host family back in the Netherlands actually offered me to go sail with them in Friesland. But I would like to have my own plan… Continue reading Sailing to Samsø

Wedding Party in Paris

A couple of months ago, T and I met up in Paris for a wedding party. Two weeks prior, he went to Marseille for another wedding party. I didn’t join. But I accompanied him for the second wedding. It was his friend from university. So I took a late-night flixbus to Paris and met T… Continue reading Wedding Party in Paris